Shivangi Sareen

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Welcome to the Blog!


Hi there!

I didn't know how much I would enjoy front-end development. I've always thought I wouldn't like it despite never having given it a try. But here I am now - completely in love with the whole process, the tools and the community.

I made this website using GatsbyJS. The basic foundation was built using the tutorial on the Gatsby website here - highly recommend to anyone who's new to the field. It's a great way to get started after which you can keep building on top.

I did not simply dive into the Gatsby tutorial - when I first saw it, without any foundation in JS and React, I was quite overwhelmed. This is later on that I picked up this tutorial after doing a number of courses on the basics of JS and this absolutely gem of a course on React.

The reason for this blog is to share my love for writing and front-end web development and to keep improving at both!